777 211 8036

Clave: h02

House en Lomas de Jiutepec
Jiutepec, Morelos.

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Style: Colonial mexicano Security: Yes
Lot: 3838 m² Construction: 1100 m²
Levels: 1 Condition: Good
Breakfast area: Yes Living Room: Yes
Dining Room: Yes Bedrooms: 5
Baths: 6 ½ Closets: Included
Kitchen: With equipment Stationary gas: Yes
Service quarters: With bath Cistern: Yes
Garage: 5 cars Garden: Very large
Pool: Equipada con sistema solar y de gas Located: In condominium
Traffic: Nil Max of people: 12
Sale: $950,000
Rent: $5,000
US Dollars
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777 211 8036
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